Thursday, February 28, 2008

A Year In The Life Of Berrrale

Wow. I cannot believe so much time has elapsed since the last PWT (Professional Women's Theater) women's talent competition. At the time I was not exactly in a happy place, but somehow still managed to get out a good performance. It was the first time in my life singing in front of an audience and I must say it was really nerve wrecking. I actually dug around a bit and found a copy of one of my recordings from the semi-finals. I had a sore throat and kept gulping through the recording, but it's not too horrible. At the expense of completely embarrassing myself, here it is: Adio Querida. It is a typically melodramatic ballad in Ladino-the singer is a woman who is pained and heartbroken by her lover. I can't say the lyrics applied to me, but I did identify with the melancholy of the song back then. My other song was in Hebrew, titled "Life Is So Beautiful" so I thought they balanced each other out. I didn't end up making it to the finals, both because of my stage presence (or lack thereof!) and the fact that I don't actually write songs of my own-which was one of the most important criteria-but it was a really uplifting experience for me to even participate. Well, a year has elapsed and they are having a new season, so if you happen to be in Jerusalem and want to check it out-just read the details on their flyer and enjoy the talent.


Anonymous said...

Hope it helps rather than bashes the ego, but Meshi loved the song. She climbed on my lap and started pulling my hair when I played it.

Unfortunately Ladino is not one of her languages so I told her it was Hebrew. She didn't believe me and told me that her Hebrew is better than mine.


Anonymous said...

Adio Querida is one of my favorites, you did a great job. You should also check out Ruth Behar's documentary with the same name, you might enjoy it.

Good luck with the contest.

Nesya said...

Ben-of COURSE it's a compliment to be approved of by the little princess! Not to worry, she'll be correcting your Hebrew in no time...

Nesya said...

anonymous-not quite sure to whom this comment belongs, but thank you for the compliment. I will definitely check out the commentary, it sounds interesting.