Monday, February 4, 2008

On Idiots...

Before I can muster up the courage to finally publish my blog, a few words must be said about its title. The idea came from a friend who knows me better than I know myself and I can assure you no large amount of thinking went into it. We are proud idiots-the kind of people who seem to be good friends with Murphy, tripping on deceptively flat floors, slipping in a pool, breaking our teeth while eating bread (all real life stories) and just generally making silly the new normal. It is hard work being an idiot. And that deserves recognition. So if you know how not to take yourself too seriously and you have learned to embrace your idiocy like we have, we welcome you with open arms to this blog! Just make sure to listen to the idiot song on the side bar.

Oh and the picture above has no relevance whatsoever to today's entry and was posted solely on virtue of it being very cute. Just another one of the perks of being a self proclaimed idiot-anything goes... I love the panic in the baby's eyes: "Help!!!! I'm being loved!!!". Not much changes as we grow older, eh? Have a fantastic day!

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