Saturday, August 16, 2008
La Paz, La Paz, La Paz
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Back On The Road Again
The picture, taken from inside the bus, really doesn't do it justice. The next day we headed to Isla Del Sol, a few hours off the coast. We got off the boat at one end of the island and hiked about 2.5 hours to the other end. It was the most stunning place I had seen so far. The combination of the sun and the mountains and the sea reminded me a little bit of Capetown.
It's very difficult to capture panoramic beauty and I feel like none of my pictures from this area really do a good job. At some point during the trail, the gorgeous view extends to both sides, blue and serene and I felt like opening my arms wide so I could hug it all in one giant embrace.
What really made it awesome I think was the addition of the snow on top of the mountains in the distance, but I stupidly only took very few pictures of it.
So far I liked what I was seeing of Bolivia...
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Inti Raymi and other festivities
What you see above is the official flag of Cusco which is prominently displayed everywhere in the city. Gay pride parades were not on the agenda, but there were plenty of other colorful events going on during our stay. For example, Cusco Day. Which you would expect to last, well, a day. But why waste such a precious festivity opportunity in 24 hours only when you can have Cusco Day for a whole week??? And so it was that while I was running around between Beit Chabad and my Spanish classes, I would see different age groups parading around the city every day for a full week. They started off with the kindergarten children, which I unfortunately missed and moved on until university students. Since there´s a lot of Inti Raymi pictures to go through, I´ll only post one picture from these festivities.
All these dancing people made it very difficult to move around in the city, not the least because one couldn´t help stopping to watch them. We soon discovered though that all this was nothing compared to the biggest of them all, the incredible tourist magnet, the festival of the sun: Inti Raymi. For one thing, it was ridiculously crowded which allowed one to freely take pictures of the cholas (which I had promised you would be forthcoming). Here´s a typical cholah, with her bundle on her back. Do try and ignore the cell phone.
That hat hanging behind her conceals a baby. They have a special method to wrap up the baby and swing it around to their backs which is a scary, scary sight to the uninitiated tourist. I kept expecting to see a baby fly off during the process or slip from its little trap afterwards, but I guess they know what they´re doing. This is how they feed them:
The cholas typically have 2 braids of long hair hanging behind their back:
though not all tye them together. The other predominantly chola feature is their gigantic skirts, but you will have to wait until I write up Bolivia for a picture of that. On to Inti Raymi...
The festivities started off in the main square of Cusco-Plaza de Armas. The plaza was packed with people on the sides, behind police barriers. There were a lot of different parader groups in different colors, as well as an almost naked group. The last parader to pass us portrayed, we think, the sun god.
Then it was time for everyone to climb Sacsayhuaman, a nearby hill with Inka Ruins, in order to watch the rest of the festivities from the side. One has to pay an exorbitant amount to sit around the main stage so most backpackers and locals opt to climb the hills surrounding the spectacle. Maybe this will give you an idea of the number of people:
There were plenty of street vendors along the way, selling anything from memorabilia to street food. We decided to try freshly squeezed cane juice,
but were not too impressed with it. The other ¨delicacy¨ on sale, everywhere, was the guinea pig. The sight of it is enough to make any carnivore consider vegetarianism.
It was quite a challenge to find a spot on top of the hills with a good view. Some people took to the trees.
Our view was mainly obscured and we didn`t understand anything of what was going on. In fact, I think the same went for all the Peruvians around us since at some point something happened which drew much more attention than the festivities. There was a lot of police around the event, trying to keep people away from getting too close to the spectacle. Specifically, the hill directly opposite from us was blocked. At some point, an excursion of a few people managed to break the police cordon and ran ahead. The police promptly brought them back and attention was returned to the festivities. A few minutes later though, a new group made an attempt and suceeded, opening the way for many others to rush in. Here´s how the hill looked after this assault:
and only a few seconds later:
and after the last stages of the conquest:
It was definitely an interesting experience although I doubt I would have thought it worth waiting the 2.5 weeks if I hadn´t done other things in the meantime. At any rate, we were ready to move on and so said goodbye to Cusco that very night. On to Bolivia in the next post.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Those Inkas Sure Were Very Fit
Ladies and gentlemen-meet the coca! It´s actually quite unacceptable for me to be mentioning this plant for the first time after so many posts about South America. The coca leaves are everywhere. And, according to the locals, capable of almost everything. Helping adjustment to altitudes, alleviating headaches, stomach aches, helping digestion, you name it. There´s nothing this little plant isn´t good for. There´s some cocaine in coca which has caused controversies in the past and caused the Bolivian and Peruvian governments to spearhead campaigns with the slogan ¨Coca is not cocaine¨. It´s also rumored to be an ingredient of coca cola, which would help explain a lot of things. At any rate, Peruvians stick it in your face at every opportunity and expect you to like it. I consumed large amounts of coca tea during my hikes and not only was I not thrilled with the taste, I also saw no beneficial effects. But then again, I´m capable of consuming large amounts of caffeine and going straight to sleep so maybe I´m just weird.
We also saw some gorgeous butterflies along the way-as much as I tried to run after them, they proved too elusive to capture on camera, so here´s another colorful creature for you:
In stark contrast to the beauty of the 2nd day, we spent the morning of our 3rd day walking on boring railroad tracks which brought us to Aguas Calientes, probably one of the most touristy towns in the world. The walk itself was uncomfortable and uninteresting and we had to keep stepping aside to allow the trains to pass.
Once in Aguas Calientes, Maya & I were put in a room together and before we knew it, everybody had left the hostel. We found out later that we had walked the railroad tracks due to a change in plans, requested by the energizer bunnies, who wanted to save time so they could climb another hill. Nobody bothered to consult us. I think they were concerned that we couldn´t handle the climb. Nobody consulted us for that either. The problem is that at this point, we had grown completely tired of our sleazy and incompetent tour guide and couldn´t even be bothered to complain.
So it was in that very negative light that we decided to skip climbing the thousands of Inka steps to Macchu Picchu and opted instead to take the bus to the top of the mountain. Honestly, we just wanted to get the whole hike over with and make it back to Cusco before Shabbat. Which was not as easy as you might think. But, first, a picture of the ruins: